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Indicator Gauge Icon Legend

Legend Colors

Red is bad, green is good, blue is not statistically different/neutral.

Compared to Distribution

an indicator guage with the arrow in the green the value is in the best half of communities.

an indicator guage with the arrow in the yellow the value is in the 2nd worst quarter of communities.

an indicator guage with the arrow in the red the value is in the worst quarter of communities.

Compared to Target

green circle with white tick inside it meets target; red circle with white cross inside it does not meet target.

Compared to a Single Value

green diamond with downward arrow inside it lower than the comparison value; red diamond with downward arrow inside it higher than the comparison value; blue diamond with downward arrow inside it not statistically different from comparison value.


green square outline with upward trending arrow inside it green square outline with downward trending arrow inside it non-significant change over time; green square with upward trending arrow inside it green square with downward trending arrow inside it significant change over time; blue square with equals sign no change over time.

Compared to Prior Value

green triangle with upward trending arrow inside it higher than the previous measurement period; green triangle with downward trending arrow inside it lower than the previous measurement period; blue equals sign no statistically different change  from previous measurement period.

green chart bars Significantly better than the overall value

red chart bars Significantly worse than the overall value

light blue chart bars No significant difference with the overall value

gray chart bars No data on significance available

More information about the gauges and icons

Alcohol-Impaired Driving Deaths

County/City: Fairfax City
Measurement Period: 2017-2021
This indicator measures the percentage of motor vehicle crash deaths with alcohol involvement.

Why is this important?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver kill 32 people in the United States every day, which amount to one death every 45 minutes. The annual cost of alcohol-related crashes totals more than $44 billion. There is strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of sobriety checkpoints as a public health intervention to reduce the harms associated with impaired driving. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, these checkpoints reduce alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes by 9%.
Clear this location

County/City: Fairfax City

percent of driving deaths with alcohol involvement
Source: County Health Rankings
Measurement period: 2017-2021
Maintained by: Conduent Healthy Communities Institute
Last update: April 2024
Filter(s) for this location: Health District: Fairfax
Compared to See the Legend
More details:
Original Source: Fatality Analysis Reporting System

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Alcohol-Impaired Driving Deaths

Measurement Period: 2017-2021
Data Source: County Health Rankings
September 7,
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percent of driving deaths with alcohol involvement
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County/City Source Period Percent of driving deaths with alcohol involvement

Data Source

Filed under: Community / Public Safety, Health / Alcohol & Drug Use, Health / Mortality Data, Health Outcomes