Priority Issue: Healthy Eating
Promoting the accessibility, availability, and affordability of healthy eating for all.
Access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food is essential for the optimal growth and development of children. The availability of healthy food choices is also a critical component to combating obesity and preventing chronic diseases and dental cavities.
Goal 1: Increase resources to identify and address food insecurity.
Objective 1.1: Develop a food equity report to inform decision makers and other stakeholders about factors contributing to food insecurity.
Analyze data to identify geographic areas and subpopulations with higher rates of food insecurity and obesity.
Gather input on food system needs from key stakeholders in priority areas.
Produce a comprehensive report examining assets, barriers, and recommendations to address food insecurity and promote food equity.
Objective 1.2: Encourage and evaluate food insecurity screenings and food program referrals.
Promote screenings by medical practitioners and health and human service providers.
Explore opportunities for a pilot food insecurity screening program for older adults.
Promote referral of individuals identified as food insecure to supplemental food programs.
Collect data on the use of food insecurity screenings, and food program referrals.
Goal 2: Increase access to fresh and healthy foods for all.
Objective 2.1: Increase the amount of healthy food donations to food pantries and supplemental food assistance programs.
Educate donors to food pantries about the need for healthy, culturally appropriate, and allergy-sensitive food donations.
Develop a protocol for school lunch donations to pantries and other food programs.
Maximize and expand gleaning programs which collect excess fresh goods to provide it to those in need.
Promote healthy food selections for weekend bag programs and school pantries.
Objective 2.2: Expand community and school garden opportunities targeting high-need geographic areas.
Promote zoning policy changes to allow for more community gardens.
Map existing gardens and identify opportunities for expansion.
Develop targeted and replicable approaches for community engagement in sustainable garden development.
Explore sustainable garden managment models that enable school garden programming maintenance, and support.
Objective 2.3: Promote the use of supplemental food programs to increase access to fresh produce and other healthy foods.
Expand the use of the SNAP Fresh Match Program at the farmers' market and explore additional matching program opportunities.
Increase the number of children participating in the USDA Summer Meals Program.
Goal 3: Increase the consumption of healthy foods and beverages.
Objective 3.1: Implement evidence-based interventions to reduce obesity among high-risk groups.
Research evidence-based interventions and inventory successful program models and approaches.
Engage targeted communities to implement selected interventions.
Objective 3.2: Expand education and outreach to foster healthy eating.
Develop and disseminate culturally appropriate messages and materials to promote consumption of fruits and vegetables and reduce consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages.
Leverage community gardening activities to reach the broader community and provide education on healthy behaviors.
Objective 3.3: Implement policies and procedures that promote healthy eating.
Develop and encourage adoption of model policies that require healthy options in vending machines and cafeterias.
Create and disseminate materials to support implementation of model policies.